A wonderful essay, Noah

The big screen… so many memories

And then wiffle ball! My brother and I played so many games in our backyard (we lived just across the Goethals from the city, hour after hour (used a lawn chair as ‘home plate’ for balls and strikes, other things in the small yard - trees, fence, bushes - as base hit markers) - does anyone play wiffle ball these days?

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I have no idea! My hunch is that the kids today don't do anything that we did, but that might just be the middle-aged cynicism talking. Needless to say, those summer days playing wiffle ball were some of the best I ever spent.

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Wiffle ball consumed many hours, but stick ball at the nearby school playground probably consumed just as many - could be one on one (or maybe two on two) w/tennis ball and a broomstick (or bat), a square painted on the wall was the strike zone, playground space marked off by natural objects (trees, dirt v grass, etc) for hits/outs….

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Perfect game for small spaces/backyards - no matter how hard you hit the damn ball if will never go far + you can pitch close to where the batter stands because no matter how hard you throw it will never go very fast!

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Wait.... maybe I don't like Almost Famous that much. I quote it a lot, but haven't watched it in at least 15 years.

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Jun 7Liked by Noah Gittell

This is what a book tour is for! Congratulations on that too. You care discovering, gathering and invigorating an invisible community--and you are enjoying it thoroughly in the process. Authors often just "crank out" the work of a book tour, and you are relishing it.

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